Works tagged ‘2012’


This series of drawings is inspired by modern citycenters where videoscreens, billboards and neonsigns scream for attention. The moving images and the giants on the advertisements seem to overrule the people in the streets. Even the architecture is colored by the light from neonsigns.

In these series I show the idea of people losing control over their inventions and that a second layer of reality is taking over.

Delusory hopes

This series is made after my visit to Shanghai.

It shows reflections of skyscrapers in the windows of other skyscrapers. In these reflections the buildings appear in fragmented and more organic forms. They look like beautiful castles up in the sky and could resemble something we long for, but are in fact only mirages that cannot be touched.

‘Delusory hopes’, Chinese European Art Center, Xiamen China, 2012



凯茜琳  (荷兰)
Cathelijn van Goor (NL)
Delusory hopes – ‘Luchtkastelen’

Cathelijn van Goor (1976) is an Amsterdam (the Netherlands) based artist. She graduated from the Royal Academie of Fine Arts in The Hague in 1999.
In her drawings and paintings she shows the passing of time and time related aspects. In her most recent works she focuses on the business and fast live in big modern cities. One of her main questions is whether technological development really achieves progress. Themes like upcoming individualism, people that lose contact with their human nature and the fragmented way of living that appears in a zap culture play an important role.
Four months ago Cathelijn arrived in Xiamen for a 4 month working period at the CEAC. She came to China to explore her ideas in an environment where the subject of her art is an actual topic. In China things change and develop with an amazing speed. This makes it a perfect place to see how technological development is reflected in daily life. For her research she visited big cities such as Shenzhen, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong.
In her solo-exhibition ‘Delusory hopes’ at the CEAC she will show drawings from several new series made during her stay in Xiamen.
The series ‘Digitalized’ is inspired by modern, busy streets were video screens, billboards and neon signs scream for attention. The moving images and the giants on the advertisements seem to overrule the people in the streets. Even the architecture is colored by the light from neon signs. In these drawings Cathelijn wants to show how the digital world that we humans create slowly seems to take over. Different layers of reality seem to be present.
In the series ‘Delusory hopes’ she also works with the idea of different layers of reality. She drew reflections of skyscrapers in the windows of other high buildings. In these reflections the buildings appear in fragmented and more organic forms. They look like beautiful castles up in the sky and could resemble something we long for, but are in fact only mirages that cannot be touched.
Next to making her own drawings she challenged a group of 7 students from Xiamen University Art College to think along on her theme about the world slowly getting digitalized. Together with these young artists she recreated a busy street from Hong Kong in a wallpaper sizeddrawing.
This exhibition was made possible with the support of the Mondriaan Fund, the Pauwhoffonds/ Overvoorde- Gordonstichting.


Rolling Snowball 3, Redtory, Guangzhou, China 2012





Rolling Snowball 3 presents works of twenty-four visual artists from China
and the Netherlands who all have conducted research, produced work and
exhibited in both countries in the past years. All the artists have either exhibited
for, or worked as artists in residence at CEAC. The exhibition consists of
photographs, sculptures, video, drawings, installations and perfomances.
An exhibition catalogue will be available during the press preview and opening.

Ineke Gudmundsson, May Lee, Annelie Musters

CEAC and Redtory Art + Design Factory

Irina Birger, Broersen & Lukács, Tim Chen Chuanxi, Chen Wei, Wineke Gartz,
Cathelijn van Goor, Voebe de Gruyter, Sigurdur Gudmundsson, Jia Zhixing,
Jin Jing, Kan Xuan, Marianne Lammersen, Qiangli Liang, Dirk van Lieshout,
Meiya Lin, Bert van Loo, Pan Fei Fei, Qin Jian, Nick Renshaw, Sandro Setola,
Danielle de Vos Lama, Wei Na, Yang Jian, Zhong Zheming

Lectures by artists Qin Jian, Wei Na and Cathelijn van Goor

Press Release




publicatie Rolling snowball 3




Guangzhou newspaper:

Guangzhou newspaper

Art Zaanstad, Zaandam, 2012




Art Zaanstad


Twee schilderijen zijn aangekocht voor in de collectie van Kunstuitleen Art Zaanstad. Voor meer informatie over huur of aankoop van deze werken zie:


‘Your call is not being answered…’, Lokaal WV15, Amsterdam, 2012

Your call is not being answered

Your call is not being answered……  please try again later.

Is een expositie over de snelheid van het hedendaagse leven in de grote stad en het ontvluchten van deze snelheid. Over hoe mensen zich voortbewegen door, en omgaan met, begrippen als tijd en afstand. Over aanwezig willen zijn op verschillende plekken tegelijkertijd, over met je hoofd ergens anders zijnen over contact maken en verliezen.

Cathelijn van Goor laat in haar werken het voorbij gaan van tijd en verschillende aspecten van tijd zien. In de meest recente werken staan de drukte en snelheid van het hedendaagse leven in grote steden centraal. Opkomend individualisme, langs elkaar heen leven en versnipperd raken als gevolg van een zapcultuur waarin men slechts fragmentarisch zaken aantikt door de drang niets te willen missen, spelen hierin een rol.

 Liesje van den Berk stelt met haar werk vragen over aanwezig zijn. Hoe verhoud je je tot de ruimte om je heen. Welke ruimte bestaat er tussen jezelf en de ander. Kun je ooit echt contact maken met de ander? En hoe verlies je niet de strijd voor het behoud van je persoonlijke ruimte en innerlijke rust, binnen een wereld waarin je constant wordt overladen door informatie, indrukken en afleidingen.

Met tijdens de opening Braziliaanse muziek van Brancka & Jeen Rabs, zang & gitaar.