Works tagged ‘Cloud Gallery’

Art for KiKa, Cloud Gallery, Amsterdam, 2017


Van 27 januari tot en met 22 februari toon ik twee kleine tekeningen bij Art for KiKa in Cloud Gallery, Prinsengracht 276, Amsterdam.
De opening is aanstaande vrijdag de 27e van 18:00 tot 21:00.
De tentoongestelde werken kosten tussen de € 300,- en € 500,- en 50% van ieder verkoop gaat naar KIKA :

Inline afbeelding 1



Deelnemende kunstenaars:Anna Khodorovich, Angelica Tulimiero, Arjan van Helmond, Bas Coenegracht, Bastiaan Weelden, Bob Siers, Britt Dorenbosch, Cathelijn van Goor, Chantal Spit, Charlotte Dumas, Danny Griffioen, Daria Birang, Debbie Voerman, Dirk Kome, Domenica Melillo, Dorine van der Ploeg, Esther Tielemans, Eva Geutjes, Geraldine Baxter, Gerben Hermanus, Harm Belt, Herman Lijftogt, Hidde van Schie, Hommarus W. Brusche, Jaring Lokhorst, Jim Harris, Jhonie van Boeijen, Jolanda Schouten, Joost Krijnen, Jurre Blom, Koen Dudink, Liselot Veenendaal, Maarten van Schaik, Maartje Folkeringa, Malin Persson, Margaret Lansink, Marin Hondebrink, Marlies Kamping, Marloes Bomers, Mattijs van den Bosch, Maurice Braspenning, Michiel van der Zanden, Michiel Hogenboom, Natalia Ossef, Niek Hendrix,Nina de Jong, Nour-Eddine Jarram, Patrick Jonkman, Paul Nassenstein, Pauline van Buringen, Pascal Brouwer, Rabi Koria, Ricardo van Eyk, Ritsa Zervou, Qristina Bodor, Sander van Deurzen, Sander van Noort, Sandra Kruisbrink, Sam Drukker, Sebastiaan Pagano Mirani, Sebastiaan Schlicher, Serge Steijn, Simon Schrikker, Suzanne de Graaf, Tessa Verder, Tinca Veerman, Thomas Westpahl, Tobias Asser, Toon Berghahn, Wafae Ahalouch and Vassilis Triantis.
Chantal Spit

Cloud Gallery
Prinsengracht 276

ma – vrij  08.00 – 18.00,  zaterdag 09.00 – 18.00,  zondag   10.00 – 18.00




In February 2016 Art for Refugees was a great success. Over 80 artists participated with their works. The exhibition lasted for 10 days and we raised € 5.100 for Syrian refugees. This time we want to do even better!

This year we are organising Art for KiKa and want to raise money for Children’s Cancer Research. Due to the success of last year’s event the duration of the exhibition will be extended to four weeks. Art for KiKa will take place on 27 January – 22 February 2017. This years exhibition contains work by 80 Dutch and International artists. 50% of the selling price is for KiKa, the other 50% for the artist. All work is signed on the back only. The gallery charges no commission.
Prices of the works vary from € 300,- to € 500,- !

Children cancer free (KiKa) Foundation was founded in 2002 by Frits Hirschstein and Maarten Saleem. The occasion was the request of Prof. Rob Pieters of the Sophia children’s Hospital in Rotterdam and Prof. Huib Caron of the Emma children’s Hospital in Amsterdam to see if there could be more money available for research into childhood cancer.
KiKa’s goal is to increase the chances to cure cancer to 95%. To achieve this, there is still a lot of costly research necessary.
Thanks to information from completed research, the specialists are convinced that we can develop new treatment options to cure child cancer more often and which are ‘ friendly ‘ to deal with. It is absolutely necessary to initiate innovative research, specifically aimed at children’s cancer.
KiKa raises funds for these special investigations, with which children can overcome their cancer.

Prof. Tom Voûte (pediatrician and Professor of paediatric Oncology) was Chairman of the Board and the advertising agency.
Prof. Dr. Tom Voûte was a gifted doctor who stood with heart and soul for the fight against child cancer. He was the founder of the children’s Oncology in Netherlands, founder of Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation (SKK) and co-founder of KiKa. After his death in 2008 the Board of SKK decided to change the name to the Tom Voûte Fund.
To be able to fight against child cancer in the future with more commitment KiKa and the Tom Voûte Fund decided to join forces. Tom Voûte Fund is fully affiliated with KiKa.